Flower Mound & Denton



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Food Habits

Since its introduction in the early 1990s, the Nutrition Facts Panel is soon to experience a makeover. By July 26, 2018, food manufacturers will be required to list the amount of added sugars in the product. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest that no more...

Load up on fruits and vegetables Strive for a minimum of 5 servings/day and go for color. Dark leafy greens, and vibrant colors pack a nutritional boost.  Maximize your intake by choosing a variety and don't shy away from different forms if it suits your...

Question: I've heard that a low FODMAP diet is good for my irritable bowel syndrome but I really want to lose weight as well. Can I achieve this while on a low FODMAP diet? Answer: Lowering your FODMAPS can go a far way in reducing your digestive issues....

With holiday parties, irresistable snacking, and boundless dessert options, it is not uncommon to have a growly gut. What is gas? Gas is air in your digestive tract. Common symptoms of gas include burping, passing gas, bloating, and pain in your abdomen.  Gas enters your digestive...

With the holiday season upon us, research demonstrates the anti-inflammatory properties of common spices. Cinnamon One of the most extensively studied spices for it’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti lipemic, anti diabetic, antimicrobial, and anticancer effects. Cloves Most of the research with cloves has been done with clove oil, which has...

If this is your first holiday season going gluten-free, there may be a lot to learn. Here are some tips to help you navigate the holidays. Plain turkey is naturally gluten-free. This doesn’t apply to turkey that has been marinated, seasoned, or stuffed with something containing...

If you find yourself fighting inflammation, such as irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, arthritis or other chronic disease, the following foods and nutrients may help you deal with your sources of irritation. Generally speaking, it is important to avoid and/or limit the following foods: -Refined and processed...

Having an allergic child might require eliminating certain food groups. By doing this, specific nutrients may be lost from the diet.  Replacing them with other thoughtful choices will be necessary for optimal growth and development. If balance is a concern for you, your first step will...

Flax seed originates from the flax plant and grows throughout Canada and the Northwest United States. Touted as having numerous health benefits, flax has been linked to a reduced risk of: heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. Rich in: omega-3 fatty acids, lignans, and fiber (insoluble...