Flower Mound & Denton



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September 2016

Flax seed originates from the flax plant and grows throughout Canada and the Northwest United States. Touted as having numerous health benefits, flax has been linked to a reduced risk of: heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. Rich in: omega-3 fatty acids, lignans, and fiber (insoluble...

Coined as a popular food trend, the foundation of clean eating is all about consuming foods in their whole food state or as close to natural as possible. Beyond that, the definition can be interpreted in a number of different ways. Some view it as increasing...

What is the difference between ‘gluten-free’ and ‘wheat-free’ foods? Do I have to restrict gluten? A strict life-long ‘gluten-free’ diet is only required if you have been diagnosed with oeliac disease. Celiac disease is an auto-immune condition that results in inflammation of the small intestine when...